I'm gonna bug Alex about this now.
I'm gonna bug Alex about this now.
Captures the mood well IMO.
It almost sounds like something that Owl City would do. You captured the feel of water real well (if that's what you intended)
All of the different harmonies and parts went very well together. (downloads)
I see you made it in FL. Maybe we could team up and make a song sometime.
Yeah, that would be cool, man. It's from Donkey Kong Country for the SNES, and it is indeed from the water level.
Love it
While some people have given relatively negative reviews, I enjoyed this piece. I like how you started it simple, and ended it simple. Great use of all of the parts. If you make this into an actual song with lyrics and real instruments, I will give you a dollar at school.
Nice job.
This would be perfect for a boss battle in a fighter game or something. Nice work! =D
Holy CRAP!
I used to listen to this song all the time. This ROCKS MAH SOCKS!
Berry good
Sounds like a fairy's fountain. 0.0
Love this
I love this track.
I think I swallowed a kitten.
P-Black was right
I get all that halarious stuff you said as a response, but it IS kinda boring. It also sounds kind of off beat at times.
I think I accidentally swallowed a kitten...
That's why this is old. I could care less really. I just shoutin' out ideas anyway. Everything's in sync. I have a better DarkStep / Hard DnB track than this anyway.
https://sites.google .com/site/zeroxius/a bout-me
Computer Repair Guy
Central High School
Joined on 6/14/09